How does Acupuncture help Tensor Tympani Syndrome?
Acupuncture calms the nerves and muscles in the ear to make it less sensitive to sound, which may relieve the Tensor Tympani Syndrome and Hyperacusis in some patients. Damage to nerves in the inner ear are one cause of Tensor Tympani Syndrome and findings published in Neural Regeneration Research show that Acupuncture can repair nerves.
Acupuncture also helps hearing loss and tinnitus, which are symptoms of TTTS. Many acupuncturists say that tinnitus is the result of energy rising in the ear. They believe this energy sets off the nerves in the ear and they work to balance that energy to eliminate the ringing.
If you’re planning to try this for your Tensor Tympani Syndrome, I recommend seeing an acupuncturist who has trained in Japan or China. Do at least 5 sessions of acupuncture to accurately see if it helps with your Tonic Tensor Tympani Syndrome.